all postcodes in CM1 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM1 1RP 2 2 51.742594 0.47321
CM1 1RQ 4 0 51.74019 0.468708
CM1 1RT 14 0 51.746224 0.466574
CM1 1RU 41 0 51.746277 0.470384
CM1 1RW 1 1 51.74305 0.467401
CM1 1RX 38 1 51.746636 0.470523
CM1 1RY 46 3 51.742004 0.466257
CM1 1RZ 80 0 51.745425 0.470399
CM1 1SA 80 0 51.741427 0.47189
CM1 1SB 1 0 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 1SE 10 0 51.744688 0.46565
CM1 1SF 22 0 51.741668 0.465124
CM1 1SH 10 9 51.741301 0.473096
CM1 1SL 20 18 51.737462 0.477424
CM1 1SN 13 4 51.737371 0.465813
CM1 1SQ 1 1 51.741381 0.474495
CM1 1SR 10 0 51.742233 0.47121
CM1 1SS 48 5 51.739757 0.466957
CM1 1SU 1 1 51.739412 0.474503
CM1 1SW 69 14 51.738739 0.467061