all postcodes in CM2 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM2 7BB 11 0 51.715733 0.513067
CM2 7BL 7 0 51.718738 0.499088
CM2 7BN 23 0 51.718268 0.508053
CM2 7BP 8 2 51.71854 0.499526
CM2 7BT 1 1 51.718452 0.499014
CM2 7BU 48 0 51.718814 0.514469
CM2 7BW 5 0 51.719077 0.498788
CM2 7BX 48 0 51.717534 0.512096
CM2 7BY 48 0 51.718477 0.509614
CM2 7BZ 28 0 51.717719 0.505562
CM2 7DA 22 0 51.716444 0.505448
CM2 7DB 24 0 51.71738 0.504167
CM2 7DD 23 0 51.719933 0.504193
CM2 7DE 26 0 51.720149 0.503785
CM2 7DF 17 0 51.719238 0.504328
CM2 7DG 11 0 51.719983 0.51533
CM2 7DH 12 0 51.719792 0.510396
CM2 7DJ 12 0 51.71959 0.508445
CM2 7DL 18 4 51.718086 0.502686
CM2 7DN 27 1 51.71821 0.503185