all postcodes in CM22 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM22 6DG 1 51.914043 0.235121
CM22 6DH 1 51.915978 0.241193
CM22 6FL 1 51.915582 0.246423
CM22 6DJ 0 51.920813 0.245114
CM22 6DL 0 51.916686 0.231861
CM22 6DN 1 51.913427 0.235366
CM22 6DP 0 51.910169 0.242109
CM22 6DQ 0 51.91534 0.234094
CM22 6DR 19 5 51.906266 0.253911
CM22 6DS 16 5 51.904574 0.25166
CM22 6DU 5 1 51.907756 0.234241
CM22 6DX 2 0 51.904288 0.231726
CM22 6DY 16 1 51.897929 0.238914
CM22 6DZ 4 0 51.897913 0.240207
CM22 6EA 22 5 51.909718 0.230818
CM22 6EB 11 0 51.911845 0.230095
CM22 6ED 12 0 51.912684 0.229979
CM22 6EE 1 0 51.909684 0.227431
CM22 6EF 1 0 51.913008 0.229529
CM22 6EG 31 0 51.912705 0.227929