all postcodes in CM22 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

find any address or company within the CM22 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM22 7UJ 2 0 51.843802 0.201265
CM22 7UL 12 0 51.841906 0.203671
CM22 7UW 12 0 51.840305 0.205972
CM22 7UN 1 0 51.841763 0.205508
CM22 7UP 1 1 51.840872 0.205566
CM22 7UQ 4 0 51.84394 0.198283
CM22 7UR 1 0 51.843949 0.198762
CM22 7UT 2 0 51.837313 0.205361
CM22 7UU 10 1 51.836175 0.205729
CM22 7UX 4 0 51.835085 0.195732
CM22 7UZ 8 8 51.861237 0.21144
CM22 7XA 9 0 51.838097 0.17544
CM22 7AZ 7 0 51.809932 0.21305
CM22 7WB 1 1 51.866756 0.160336
CM22 7WY 1 51.866756 0.160336
CM22 7WE 17 51.870847 0.222095
CM22 7FE 6 0 51.816137 0.204835
CM22 7FB 14 0 51.817188 0.205947
CM22 7FA 0 51.813189 0.209626
CM22 7FD 3 2 51.869425 0.216403