all postcodes in CM22 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM22 7TG 16 0 51.870516 0.208687
CM22 7TH 4 0 51.869946 0.205521
CM22 7TJ 5 1 51.868671 0.207783
CM22 7TL 31 0 51.860416 0.211095
CM22 7TP 25 3 51.86051 0.213743
CM22 7TQ 12 1 51.868108 0.207117
CM22 7TR 14 2 51.854446 0.215872
CM22 7TS 14 0 51.857661 0.20463
CM22 7TT 12 0 51.857745 0.205898
CM22 7TU 6 0 51.85666 0.201372
CM22 7TX 12 0 51.857119 0.199434
CM22 7TY 11 0 51.856 0.195282
CM22 7TZ 18 3 51.854016 0.194111
CM22 7UA 2 0 51.857056 0.194578
CM22 7UB 2 1 51.849647 0.186319
CM22 7UD 2 1 51.84902 0.18957
CM22 7UE 10 0 51.84689 0.200169
CM22 7UF 6 1 51.84597 0.190641
CM22 7UG 7 0 51.845132 0.209506
CM22 7UH 5 0 51.843774 0.200409