all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 2HY 15 0 51.881386 0.164249
CM23 2HZ 14 0 51.874827 0.170326
CM23 2JA 6 0 51.881629 0.160817
CM23 2JD 4 0 51.881238 0.161525
CM23 2JH 2 0 51.882051 0.159338
CM23 2JJ 6 0 51.879855 0.157506
CM23 2JL 4 0 51.880459 0.154992
CM23 2JP 1 0 51.88113 0.15662
CM23 2JU 20 18 51.871405 0.159292
CM23 2JW 3 0 51.872036 0.160255
CM23 2JY 13 11 51.871202 0.160052
CM23 2JZ 13 7 51.872511 0.159348
CM23 2LD 35 21 51.872289 0.158172
CM23 2LE 1 1 51.871691 0.158452
CM23 2LH 1 1 51.871554 0.159055
CM23 2LJ 1 1 51.871654 0.158988
CM23 2LQ 5 5 51.871654 0.158988
CM23 2LN 1 1 51.872158 0.158983
CM23 2LP 1 1 51.87196 0.159002
CM23 2LR 5 3 51.872834 0.158419