all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 4BE 19 4 51.849295 0.142483
CM23 4BG 6 0 51.850807 0.144878
CM23 4BH 9 1 51.854409 0.139168
CM23 4BJ 5 0 51.850745 0.12899
CM23 4BL 9 0 51.854194 0.129704
CM23 4BN 5 0 51.859905 0.127186
CM23 4BP 37 0 51.860251 0.133418
CM23 4BQ 5 0 51.851877 0.145902
CM23 4BS 2 0 51.861052 0.126844
CM23 4BT 3 0 51.866877 0.147342
CM23 4BU 1 1 51.834702 0.152255
CM23 4BW 55 0 51.865402 0.133502
CM23 4BX 25 0 51.873399 0.135319
CM23 4BY 53 0 51.871067 0.135005
CM23 4BZ 21 0 51.873741 0.134318
CM23 4DA 6 5 51.874804 0.136152
CM23 4DB 19 0 51.872791 0.135116
CM23 4DD 1 1 51.87506 0.13547
CM23 4DE 12 0 51.872543 0.134944
CM23 4DF 17 0 51.871937 0.135598