all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 4DG 76 0 51.866437 0.135425
CM23 4DH 46 0 51.853875 0.153664
CM23 4DJ 44 0 51.854477 0.155159
CM23 4DL 43 0 51.854565 0.153319
CM23 4DN 38 0 51.855844 0.154179
CM23 4DP 40 0 51.856622 0.151922
CM23 4DQ 7 0 51.857025 0.13723
CM23 4DR 40 0 51.856124 0.152116
CM23 4DS 38 0 51.856688 0.150327
CM23 4DT 43 0 51.855452 0.151024
CM23 4DU 33 0 51.855549 0.149649
CM23 4DW 44 0 51.855262 0.154035
CM23 4DX 45 0 51.854383 0.151946
CM23 4DY 41 0 51.856723 0.147889
CM23 4EA 59 0 51.856701 0.145652
CM23 4EB 51 0 51.857374 0.145248
CM23 4ED 30 0 51.858215 0.148904
CM23 4EE 37 0 51.859115 0.149891
CM23 4EF 45 0 51.858877 0.148137
CM23 4EG 17 17 51.858639 0.144394