all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 5PJ 12 9 51.872106 0.177909
CM23 5PE 13 11 51.872043 0.176453
CM23 5PD 2 1 51.872168 0.17743
CM23 5PF 1 1 51.871439 0.179385
CM23 5PN 2 1 51.871431 0.179356
CM23 5PP 7 7 51.884035 0.174662
CM23 5PS 24 2 51.885838 0.175897
CM23 5PT 2 0 51.892341 0.184539
CM23 5PU 7 6 51.889742 0.185549
CM23 5PY 1 1 51.875195 0.17325
CM23 5QA 23 0 51.88727 0.18601
CM23 5QB 6 0 51.887171 0.185526
CM23 5QD 20 0 51.886637 0.185224
CM23 5QF 23 0 51.885658 0.187094
CM23 5QG 52 0 51.885461 0.185603
CM23 5QH 26 0 51.882511 0.191388
CM23 5QJ 12 1 51.883684 0.191152
CM23 5QL 72 1 51.884418 0.192832
CM23 5QN 4 0 51.883368 0.193636
CM23 5QP 42 0 51.88074 0.193801