all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 5QQ 5 0 51.887457 0.185089
CM23 5QR 17 0 51.8791 0.19686
CM23 5QS 10 1 51.877924 0.199156
CM23 5QT 36 0 51.882748 0.190252
CM23 5QX 3 0 51.872313 0.185619
CM23 5QY 21 0 51.871749 0.186463
CM23 5QZ 2 2 51.871647 0.194809
CM23 5RA 40 0 51.870634 0.183576
CM23 5RB 6 0 51.871696 0.185429
CM23 5RD 10 0 51.871036 0.185165
CM23 5RE 14 0 51.869537 0.181112
CM23 5RG 32 30 51.873613 0.189166
CM23 5RN 16 0 51.863985 0.181337
CM23 5SB 26 4 51.869209 0.166787
CM23 5SH 9 0 51.86822 0.168686
CM23 5SJ 20 0 51.868713 0.167824
CM23 5SN 1 1 51.874378 0.197399
CM23 5ST 1 1 51.876221 0.192593
CM23 5TB 27 0 51.862458 0.171503
CM23 5TT 1 1 51.871298 0.180253