all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 1DL 19 0 51.920167 0.160035
CM23 1DN 6 0 51.919637 0.16587
CM23 1DP 27 0 51.921113 0.161418
CM23 1DQ 12 1 51.918131 0.167077
CM23 1DR 35 0 51.920877 0.159546
CM23 1DS 14 0 51.921685 0.162551
CM23 1DT 7 0 51.921866 0.161033
CM23 1DU 6 0 51.922604 0.160487
CM23 1DW 9 0 51.921238 0.162428
CM23 1DX 6 0 51.926753 0.167624
CM23 1DY 1 0 51.91958 0.168951
CM23 1DZ 8 0 51.920334 0.161715
CM23 1EA 4 0 51.918013 0.17101
CM23 1EF 1 0 51.920818 0.168167
CM23 1HA 3 1 51.892863 0.182125
CM23 1HB 11 1 51.898722 0.171638
CM23 1HD 2 0 51.901977 0.167257
CM23 1HE 3 0 51.907967 0.15545
CM23 1HG 10 0 51.89795 0.170627
CM23 1HH 2 0 51.898094 0.169571