all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

find any address or company within the CM23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 1BD 4 0 51.942926 0.148746
CM23 1BE 5 0 51.944867 0.147835
CM23 1BG 8 0 51.943233 0.161929
CM23 1BJ 13 0 51.927985 0.148992
CM23 1BL 1 0 51.920773 0.157359
CM23 1BN 3 0 51.922138 0.148146
CM23 1BP 10 0 51.915696 0.154251
CM23 1BQ 1 0 51.925287 0.159365
CM23 1BS 6 0 51.918683 0.139372
CM23 1BT 6 0 51.915689 0.133877
CM23 1BX 18 0 51.947515 0.129307
CM23 1BZ 2 0 51.920656 0.157381
CM23 1DA 14 0 51.914669 0.168045
CM23 1DB 4 0 51.914895 0.16698
CM23 1DD 12 0 51.916869 0.16626
CM23 1DE 5 1 51.916918 0.166539
CM23 1DF 5 0 51.91828 0.166314
CM23 1DG 13 0 51.917346 0.164757
CM23 1DH 8 0 51.918931 0.165153
CM23 1DJ 14 0 51.919145 0.166225