all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

find any address or company within the CM23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 9DZ 1 1 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9EE 1 0 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9EG 0 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9EQ 1 0 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9EZ 0 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9GN 1 1 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9GQ 1 1 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9GY 1 1 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9HH 1 1 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9HJ 1 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9HQ 1 0 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9HT 1 1 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9JB 1 1 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9JH 1 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9JJ 0 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9JL 1 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9JT 1 1 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9JW 0 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 9JX 1 1 51.866763 0.160362
CM23 9JZ 1 1 51.866756 0.160336