all postcodes in CM24 / STANSTED

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM24 1AE 15 7 51.880949 0.219094
CM24 1AF 1 0 51.882646 0.223042
CM24 1AH 1 1 51.885284 0.254503
CM24 1AL 1 1 51.87969 0.248905
CM24 1BA 1 1 51.887341 0.247572
CM24 1BB 1 1 51.884981 0.252962
CM24 1FE 1 1 51.886914 0.249702
CM24 1HA 1 1 51.87969 0.248905
CM24 1PP 1 1 51.892247 0.264676
CM24 1PS 1 1 51.888412 0.258336
CM24 1PY 5 5 51.875575 0.247784
CM24 1PZ 1 1 51.877184 0.252078
CM24 1QH 1 1 51.882646 0.223042
CM24 1QJ 4 4 51.886132 0.251087
CM24 1QL 1 1 51.87025 0.225641
CM24 1RN 9 9 51.888187 0.258368
CM24 1QN 6 6 51.888158 0.258394
CM24 1QQ 1 1 51.884251 0.225636
CM24 1QU 2 1 51.879802 0.220287
CM24 1QX 2 2 51.889938 0.261741