all postcodes in CM24 / STANSTED

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM24 1RA 1 0 51.890355 0.261573
CM24 1RB 1 1 51.878667 0.243129
CM24 1RG 1 0 51.890355 0.261573
CM24 1RJ 2 2 51.882239 0.253375
CM24 1RL 17 8 51.877942 0.243471
CM24 1RE 7 7 51.876296 0.235907
CM24 1RP 1 1 51.881669 0.252605
CM24 1RR 1 1 51.881421 0.250966
CM24 1RW 39 39 51.889938 0.261741
CM24 1RY 8 4 51.882433 0.220998
CM24 1SA 1 1 51.888151 0.258367
CM24 1SF 1 1 51.876781 0.211697
CM24 1SG 1 1 51.886278 0.219269
CM24 1QW 1 51.888187 0.258368
CM24 1SJ 9 9 51.87969 0.248905
CM24 1AN 1 1 51.885439 0.222279
CM24 1PA 1 51.892255 0.264704
CM24 1AQ 1 1 51.887522 0.257825
CM24 8AA 1 0 51.902809 0.195152
CM24 8AB 11 3 51.902083 0.198402