all postcodes in CM2 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM2 0RS 23 0 51.731088 0.464504
CM2 0RT 18 1 51.730092 0.463523
CM2 0RU 42 0 51.730058 0.462985
CM2 0RX 27 0 51.730935 0.463627
CM2 0RW 60 0 51.73159 0.464575
CM2 0RY 14 0 51.729892 0.464063
CM2 0RZ 9 1 51.730407 0.464275
CM2 0SA 39 0 51.729904 0.465178
CM2 0SB 17 2 51.730388 0.466881
CM2 0SE 1 1 51.73038 0.466957
CM2 0SF 19 0 51.730153 0.464917
CM2 0SP 1 1 51.732688 0.473078
CM2 0SW 7 6 51.732795 0.473113
CM2 0TA 10 0 51.724038 0.480252
CM2 0TB 21 0 51.7239 0.479578
CM2 0TD 36 0 51.723283 0.481499
CM2 0TF 14 0 51.726637 0.473443
CM2 0TG 22 0 51.726368 0.474239
CM2 0TH 23 1 51.7253 0.47673
CM2 0TJ 33 0 51.725193 0.478824