all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 2BW 4 0 51.819351 0.570041
CM3 2BX 4 0 51.790944 0.55343
CM3 2BY 8 0 51.791741 0.567614
CM3 2BZ 3 0 51.785707 0.556889
CM3 2DA 17 0 51.778317 0.596138
CM3 2DB 24 0 51.778497 0.594916
CM3 2DE 2 0 51.775673 0.591243
CM3 2DF 16 0 51.777823 0.594877
CM3 2DG 9 1 51.775883 0.589504
CM3 2DH 2 0 51.776709 0.58704
CM3 2DJ 9 0 51.777105 0.588283
CM3 2DL 8 2 51.775208 0.591132
CM3 2DN 5 2 51.775281 0.591484
CM3 2DP 9 3 51.775352 0.593155
CM3 2DQ 4 0 51.776268 0.587916
CM3 2DR 6 0 51.776041 0.594558
CM3 2DS 28 0 51.777565 0.593137
CM3 2DT 18 0 51.779133 0.592604
CM3 2DW 9 2 51.77542 0.59255
CM3 2DX 4 1 51.77985 0.592297