all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 2AU 6 0 51.821946 0.565269
CM3 2AW 5 0 51.807471 0.563025
CM3 2AX 3 0 51.814486 0.547303
CM3 2AY 16 1 51.815262 0.537219
CM3 2AZ 6 1 51.814908 0.533569
CM3 2BA 3 0 51.815702 0.532658
CM3 2BB 7 1 51.816208 0.534225
CM3 2BD 5 0 51.828137 0.533572
CM3 2BE 6 0 51.832238 0.541105
CM3 2BF 4 0 51.777718 0.600062
CM3 2BG 11 1 51.832535 0.538596
CM3 2BH 1 1 51.83168 0.543191
CM3 2BJ 6 0 51.830201 0.546274
CM3 2BL 1 0 51.833298 0.558119
CM3 2BN 5 0 51.824473 0.565267
CM3 2BP 1 0 51.823219 0.574498
CM3 2BQ 4 0 51.832815 0.535186
CM3 2BS 4 0 51.817258 0.584693
CM3 2BT 3 0 51.813889 0.571398
CM3 2BU 16 0 51.808741 0.572394