all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 2DY 15 3 51.776582 0.596125
CM3 2DZ 4 0 51.77681 0.595559
CM3 2EA 20 7 51.777208 0.598261
CM3 2EB 5 0 51.779172 0.594099
CM3 2EE 7 0 51.779297 0.599413
CM3 2EF 1 0 51.779964 0.604642
CM3 2EG 11 0 51.777435 0.600234
CM3 2EH 25 5 51.776422 0.596827
CM3 2EJ 7 2 51.776033 0.595326
CM3 2EL 32 0 51.774577 0.594036
CM3 2EN 30 0 51.775905 0.592549
CM3 2EP 28 0 51.775786 0.597544
CM3 2EQ 7 4 51.776576 0.598416
CM3 2ER 13 0 51.774534 0.59724
CM3 2ES 19 0 51.774387 0.596536
CM3 2ET 12 1 51.774875 0.590736
CM3 2EU 9 0 51.771536 0.578165
CM3 2EW 16 0 51.776023 0.593716
CM3 2EX 1 0 51.774658 0.568688
CM3 2EY 9 0 51.77763 0.576715