all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 2QG 20 0 51.87776 0.532789
CM7 2QH 21 9 51.879821 0.549802
CM7 2QJ 7 6 51.886492 0.532799
CM7 2QL 4 4 51.885601 0.533244
CM7 2QN 1 1 51.877884 0.535775
CM7 2QP 31 4 51.879198 0.547371
CM7 2QQ 16 0 51.877394 0.530152
CM7 2QR 9 2 51.879195 0.545088
CM7 2QS 17 13 51.878774 0.538337
CM7 2QT 4 0 51.878088 0.532168
CM7 2QU 1 1 51.879585 0.54113
CM7 2QW 1 1 51.879644 0.549213
CM7 2RD 1 1 51.876441 0.566235
CM7 2YW 33 29 51.883535 0.535219
CM7 2RF 11 9 51.886122 0.536222
CM7 2RG 8 0 51.87668 0.534501
CM7 2RH 1 0 51.875987 0.533241
CM7 2RJ 18 0 51.879922 0.543852
CM7 2RN 1 1 51.88358 0.532315
CM7 2RP 46 0 51.879863 0.545767