all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 2RR 24 0 51.881284 0.546167
CM7 2RS 69 0 51.879471 0.544335
CM7 2RT 12 12 51.885238 0.535489
CM7 2RU 34 0 51.877838 0.542093
CM7 2RW 8 0 51.876516 0.533765
CM7 2RX 33 0 51.877779 0.541043
CM7 2RY 19 0 51.876783 0.531354
CM7 2RZ 51 0 51.87638 0.532566
CM7 2SA 11 0 51.876591 0.531924
CM7 2SD 6 6 51.88026 0.53569
CM7 2SE 6 4 51.884643 0.535937
CM7 2SF 20 15 51.887157 0.538244
CM7 2SH 12 0 51.882622 0.540415
CM7 2SJ 20 0 51.883593 0.545903
CM7 2SL 18 0 51.884318 0.54599
CM7 2SN 25 0 51.883289 0.542444
CM7 2SP 12 0 51.88074 0.543041
CM7 2SR 26 0 51.884152 0.544541
CM7 2SS 12 0 51.882376 0.543075
CM7 2ST 39 0 51.882094 0.541984