all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 2NY 30 0 51.877901 0.545002
CM7 2PA 30 2 51.876762 0.545243
CM7 2PB 22 0 51.87709 0.542966
CM7 2PD 15 0 51.877048 0.541598
CM7 2PE 10 0 51.876998 0.540563
CM7 2PF 18 0 51.876669 0.539586
CM7 2PG 17 0 51.876624 0.538348
CM7 2PJ 18 0 51.880686 0.548443
CM7 2PL 4 0 51.88068 0.546627
CM7 2PN 15 0 51.879419 0.546337
CM7 2PP 32 0 51.877924 0.546413
CM7 2PQ 16 0 51.8764 0.537449
CM7 2PR 24 0 51.876216 0.544733
CM7 2PS 44 0 51.879871 0.547874
CM7 2PW 40 0 51.877681 0.546835
CM7 2PY 11 0 51.87687 0.530269
CM7 2QA 14 8 51.87961 0.549937
CM7 2QD 48 0 51.878819 0.544516
CM7 2QE 25 0 51.878626 0.541396
CM7 2QF 50 2 51.878341 0.537964