all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 5EE 5 0 51.913984 0.446895
CM7 5EF 10 0 51.914917 0.448749
CM7 5EG 20 0 51.915962 0.449955
CM7 5EH 11 0 51.921287 0.459364
CM7 5EJ 6 1 51.919794 0.462831
CM7 5EL 5 0 51.915834 0.468983
CM7 5EN 8 0 51.908922 0.469694
CM7 5EP 3 0 51.914574 0.485259
CM7 5EQ 4 0 51.920167 0.455739
CM7 5EW 4 0 51.909982 0.473591
CM7 5EY 8 0 51.9238 0.502699
CM7 5EZ 30 0 51.924736 0.504772
CM7 5FP 8 0 51.886594 0.543488
CM7 5GQ 21 0 51.903476 0.568197
CM7 5GX 5 0 51.893857 0.552779
CM7 5GY 6 0 51.903981 0.469874
CM7 5GZ 5 0 51.901376 0.554354
CM7 5HA 5 0 51.922234 0.501055
CM7 5HB 1 1 51.933305 0.505264
CM7 5HD 1 0 51.924224 0.50982