all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 5BD 1 0 51.912132 0.503722
CM7 5BE 34 1 51.900819 0.513865
CM7 5BH 6 0 51.901726 0.534457
CM7 5BJ 7 0 51.898159 0.544286
CM7 5BL 1 0 51.89583 0.544342
CM7 5BN 1 0 51.892585 0.54089
CM7 5BQ 6 0 51.903219 0.529831
CM7 5BW 44 0 51.899284 0.522981
CM7 5DP 15 0 51.902177 0.473133
CM7 5DR 8 0 51.9019 0.471766
CM7 5DS 12 2 51.889004 0.472192
CM7 5DT 18 0 51.903215 0.470791
CM7 5DU 11 0 51.902127 0.471212
CM7 5DW 8 0 51.902314 0.478156
CM7 5DX 21 0 51.904008 0.471562
CM7 5DY 2 0 51.904756 0.462093
CM7 5DZ 13 0 51.90668 0.461226
CM7 5EA 6 0 51.907414 0.459245
CM7 5EB 8 0 51.9063 0.455302
CM7 5ED 3 0 51.911606 0.450997