all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 5HE 1 0 51.926735 0.512244
CM7 5HF 15 1 51.92701 0.507372
CM7 5HG 2 0 51.921405 0.515537
CM7 5HH 20 2 51.934461 0.504165
CM7 5HJ 56 0 51.934799 0.501798
CM7 5HL 9 0 51.935318 0.50235
CM7 5HN 13 0 51.935788 0.501809
CM7 5HP 24 0 51.935886 0.503546
CM7 5HQ 22 0 51.928232 0.506553
CM7 5HR 2 0 51.936612 0.501578
CM7 5HS 5 0 51.937279 0.502314
CM7 5HT 7 0 51.936724 0.498413
CM7 5HU 5 0 51.938824 0.491823
CM7 5HW 5 0 51.936896 0.501725
CM7 5HX 7 0 51.932335 0.483127
CM7 5HY 3 1 51.932307 0.51113
CM7 5HZ 1 0 51.927167 0.517272
CM7 5JA 5 1 51.928033 0.516317
CM7 5JB 4 0 51.927448 0.52139
CM7 5GL 1 0 51.925711 0.526106