all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 5JD 4 0 51.924895 0.525944
CM7 5JE 4 0 51.92586 0.540428
CM7 5JG 2 0 51.928762 0.532241
CM7 5JH 13 0 51.930948 0.533005
CM7 5JJ 8 0 51.933321 0.53263
CM7 5JL 2 0 51.932014 0.536614
CM7 5JN 24 0 51.900927 0.553107
CM7 5JQ 9 2 51.929189 0.531161
CM7 5JR 14 0 51.902121 0.551125
CM7 5JS 14 0 51.900989 0.553998
CM7 5JY 64 6 51.902532 0.554607
CM7 5JZ 26 0 51.903289 0.554099
CM7 5LA 52 2 51.903133 0.5563
CM7 5LB 11 1 51.905091 0.556818
CM7 5LD 2 0 51.904978 0.557494
CM7 5LE 10 0 51.90477 0.556262
CM7 5LF 29 0 51.904602 0.55823
CM7 5LG 8 0 51.90453 0.559883
CM7 5LH 77 0 51.905188 0.564355
CM7 5LJ 31 2 51.90491 0.565953