all postcodes in CO1 / COLCHESTER

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO1 1NF 18 11 51.88889 0.895341
CO1 1NG 1 1 51.888999 0.896758
CO1 1NH 17 8 51.888469 0.896012
CO1 1NN 1 1 51.889188 0.897846
CO1 1NP 1 1 51.888282 0.895578
CO1 1NS 33 5 51.887998 0.895153
CO1 1NT 1 1 51.887809 0.896507
CO1 1NU 3 3 51.887873 0.89609
CO1 1NW 1 1 51.888119 0.895989
CO1 1NX 7 4 51.889393 0.896115
CO1 1NY 5 3 51.889249 0.896455
CO1 1NZ 3 1 51.890376 0.89564
CO1 1PA 4 2 51.890022 0.895879
CO1 1PB 6 3 51.888064 0.89648
CO1 1RE 15 12 51.894292 0.896183
CO1 1PG 18 10 51.889769 0.897273
CO1 1PJ 1 1 51.889793 0.89883
CO1 1PN 1 1 51.890156 0.897618
CO1 1PR 72 2 51.890152 0.894492
CO1 1PT 1 1 51.889299 0.894437