all postcodes in CO1 / COLCHESTER

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO1 1RJ 13 13 51.894347 0.897262
CO1 1PW 1 1 51.889774 0.898145
CO1 1PX 15 11 51.890311 0.896058
CO1 1PY 38 6 51.891568 0.895775
CO1 1QP 5 0 51.891935 0.895843
CO1 1QR 13 4 51.892129 0.896029
CO1 1QS 2 1 51.892425 0.896514
CO1 1QT 14 7 51.892828 0.896612
CO1 1QX 2 1 51.89351 0.895581
CO1 1QY 1 1 51.889519 0.916094
CO1 1RB 14 11 51.895326 0.895479
CO1 1RD 6 0 51.893928 0.896363
CO1 1RH 6 0 51.894674 0.895641
CO1 1RL 11 0 51.894115 0.894994
CO1 1RP 8 1 51.895886 0.895021
CO1 1RQ 29 12 51.895479 0.895969
CO1 1RR 12 0 51.894723 0.896603
CO1 1RS 23 0 51.894707 0.898318
CO1 1RT 22 0 51.894978 0.898306
CO1 1RU 0 51.895806 0.896818