all postcodes in CO1 / COLCHESTER

find any address or company within the CO1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO1 1RX 0 51.895634 0.896502
CO1 1RY 0 51.896314 0.897738
CO1 1RZ 0 51.896043 0.898869
CO1 1SA 0 51.895327 0.898343
CO1 1SB 2 51.896437 0.896001
CO1 1SE 2 51.896587 0.895386
CO1 1SF 0 51.896418 0.894953
CO1 1SG 0 51.896098 0.894453
CO1 1SH 0 51.89675 0.893289
CO1 1SJ 0 51.897053 0.894355
CO1 1SN 1 51.890928 0.894746
CO1 1SP 3 51.890171 0.899566
CO1 1SQ 0 51.896575 0.893684
CO1 1SR 2 51.890406 0.900003
CO1 1SS 2 51.890858 0.900134
CO1 1ST 2 51.891333 0.899859
CO1 1SY 1 51.895154 0.895526
CO1 1SZ 9 51.889967 0.900527
CO1 1TB 4 51.88993 0.901658
CO1 1TD 1 51.889907 0.901148