all postcodes in CO10 / SUDBURY

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO10 8HL 19 0 52.065371 0.539352
CO10 8HN 11 0 52.063983 0.53888
CO10 8HP 21 3 52.062919 0.538805
CO10 8HQ 9 4 52.078057 0.561075
CO10 8HR 26 0 52.061945 0.537655
CO10 8HS 25 0 52.062612 0.529654
CO10 8HT 9 0 52.062899 0.531771
CO10 8HU 7 0 52.071616 0.524093
CO10 8HW 8 0 52.063976 0.540251
CO10 8HX 7 0 52.079492 0.546722
CO10 8HY 2 0 52.083027 0.552311
CO10 8HZ 2 0 52.073608 0.548723
CO10 8JA 13 0 52.061647 0.539418
CO10 8JB 39 0 52.062432 0.540951
CO10 8JD 1 0 52.059006 0.541778
CO10 8JE 1 1 52.059523 0.538641
CO10 8JF 1 0 52.054163 0.536178
CO10 8JG 2 0 52.056252 0.541636
CO10 8JH 1 0 52.056172 0.549305
CO10 8JJ 5 0 52.053141 0.543516