all postcodes in CO10 / SUDBURY

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO10 8LL 37 0 52.073998 0.574429
CO10 8LN 32 1 52.132845 0.601962
CO10 8LP 18 0 52.137852 0.60528
CO10 8LQ 17 0 52.069938 0.576487
CO10 8LR 8 0 52.138038 0.607059
CO10 8LS 2 0 52.138632 0.605252
CO10 8LT 11 0 52.140072 0.605628
CO10 8LU 7 0 52.152585 0.611242
CO10 8LW 3 0 52.130669 0.610881
CO10 8LY 13 2 52.13601 0.584639
CO10 8LZ 7 0 52.133529 0.58885
CO10 8NA 2 0 52.12574 0.580962
CO10 8NB 2 0 52.119104 0.576825
CO10 8ND 3 1 52.118318 0.574266
CO10 8NE 7 0 52.134943 0.601807
CO10 8NH 16 4 52.07749 0.581315
CO10 8NJ 14 2 52.077895 0.582112
CO10 8NN 31 11 52.078308 0.581129
CO10 8NP 61 8 52.076658 0.579442
CO10 8NR 5 0 52.089993 0.634768