all postcodes in CO10 / SUDBURY

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO10 8JL 2 0 52.052455 0.542996
CO10 8JN 34 0 52.051805 0.546226
CO10 8GZ 5 0 52.049636 0.547153
CO10 8JP 10 0 52.05034 0.547062
CO10 8JQ 3 0 52.061777 0.554395
CO10 8JR 8 0 52.049107 0.547502
CO10 8JS 16 0 52.0498 0.548708
CO10 8JT 8 0 52.050728 0.549491
CO10 8JU 8 1 52.05116 0.553628
CO10 8JW 9 0 52.05055 0.547745
CO10 8JX 13 0 52.050412 0.574327
CO10 8JY 2 0 52.050281 0.57642
CO10 8JZ 3 0 52.047743 0.578374
CO10 8LA 2 0 52.043632 0.582688
CO10 8LB 3 0 52.041402 0.570995
CO10 8LD 2 0 52.051987 0.57611
CO10 8LE 6 0 52.05382 0.582167
CO10 8LF 2 1 52.065079 0.574573
CO10 8LG 10 0 52.068713 0.572462
CO10 8LH 4 0 52.050223 0.546618