all postcodes in CV2 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV2 2NR 0 52.436607 -1.443224
CV2 2NS 0 52.437348 -1.442185
CV2 2NT 0 52.430974 -1.442236
CV2 2NU 0 52.431262 -1.44029
CV2 2NW 15 52.4435 -1.45626
CV2 2NX 0 52.435421 -1.445386
CV2 2NZ 0 52.431121 -1.441028
CV2 2PA 0 52.430735 -1.443018
CV2 2PB 0 52.437479 -1.443374
CV2 2PF 0 52.434549 -1.445279
CV2 2PJ 5 52.443368 -1.460955
CV2 2PR 0 52.43647 -1.446623
CV2 2PS 0 52.433181 -1.439237
CV2 2PT 0 52.428695 -1.435631
CV2 2PU 0 52.432322 -1.440233
CV2 2PW 0 52.424654 -1.445933
CV2 2PX 0 52.431898 -1.439885
CV2 2PY 0 52.431778 -1.439166
CV2 2PZ 0 52.432859 -1.439594
CV2 2QA 0 52.414568 -1.440443