all postcodes in CV2 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV2 2JG 0 52.417532 -1.443817
CV2 2JH 0 52.418291 -1.442528
CV2 2JJ 0 52.416815 -1.442223
CV2 2JL 0 52.417466 -1.4412
CV2 2JN 0 52.416573 -1.440476
CV2 2JP 0 52.416436 -1.442081
CV2 2JQ 0 52.415576 -1.440651
CV2 2JR 0 52.415085 -1.441554
CV2 2JS 0 52.415707 -1.443766
CV2 2JT 0 52.415042 -1.443848
CV2 2JX 0 52.414168 -1.43961
CV2 2JY 0 52.414795 -1.439043
CV2 2JZ 0 52.415628 -1.43843
CV2 2LA 0 52.416825 -1.438724
CV2 2LB 0 52.418654 -1.445317
CV2 2LD 9 52.44264 -1.459022
CV2 2LE 9 52.443814 -1.458066
CV2 2LF 0 52.433457 -1.448353
CV2 2LG 0 52.434142 -1.448623
CV2 2LH 1 52.431438 -1.443348