all postcodes in CV2 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV2 2ZG 1 52.433865 -1.493298
CV2 2ZL 1 52.433865 -1.493298
CV2 2LQ 1 1 52.421211 -1.438403
CV2 2SP 1 1 52.436971 -1.438424
CV2 2WT 1 1 52.433865 -1.493298
CV2 2LN 41 0 52.429836 -1.443044
CV2 2LR 60 0 52.428559 -1.444707
CV2 2NY 0 52.437159 -1.447983
CV2 2HJ 1 1 52.420653 -1.444086
CV2 2PN 2 52.429106 -1.433
CV2 2JU 40 0 52.42715 -1.432099
CV2 2JW 21 0 52.426684 -1.432436
CV2 2ND 28 0 52.436468 -1.44813
CV2 2PD 0 52.424254 -1.439386
CV2 2PE 9 0 52.443101 -1.453653
CV2 2PH 30 0 52.443642 -1.453896
CV2 2PL 10 0 52.44352 -1.45278
CV2 2PP 2 0 52.444245 -1.454227
CV2 2RP 1 1 52.432487 -1.440841
CV2 2QS 10 0 52.427551 -1.433152