all postcodes in CV2 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV2 2SY 1 52.431375 -1.431994
CV2 2SZ 10 52.434706 -1.429171
CV2 2TA 7 52.43093 -1.42905
CV2 2TB 5 52.434445 -1.436727
CV2 2TD 1 52.441591 -1.459476
CV2 2TE 1 52.422449 -1.445541
CV2 2TJ 0 52.436602 -1.445989
CV2 2TL 0 52.436804 -1.445045
CV2 2TN 0 52.436024 -1.445482
CV2 2TR 0 52.427328 -1.435414
CV2 2TS 1 52.413411 -1.441104
CV2 2TU 3 52.430609 -1.426017
CV2 2TW 2 52.431206 -1.436114
CV2 2TX 3 52.435566 -1.434249
CV2 2UA 0 52.424909 -1.444871
CV2 2UU 1 52.432568 -1.42961
CV2 2XH 0 52.43447 -1.44962
CV2 2XJ 0 52.435689 -1.450781
CV2 2XL 0 52.43344 -1.450427
CV2 2XQ 0 52.434337 -1.450092