all postcodes in CV23 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV23 0QQ 4 0 52.432469 -1.305104
CV23 0QR 6 0 52.408346 -1.297163
CV23 0QS 12 0 52.432098 -1.306199
CV23 0QT 3 0 52.433214 -1.306402
CV23 0QU 3 0 52.431707 -1.307043
CV23 0QW 2 0 52.440371 -1.266396
CV23 0QX 12 1 52.443821 -1.318667
CV23 0QY 14 1 52.442751 -1.318507
CV23 0QZ 2 0 52.44324 -1.319224
CV23 0RA 54 1 52.444414 -1.313891
CV23 0RB 1 0 52.44917 -1.304694
CV23 0RD 22 0 52.445218 -1.317674
CV23 0RE 12 0 52.444594 -1.318611
CV23 0RF 8 0 52.44525 -1.313775
CV23 0RH 4 0 52.457001 -1.317154
CV23 0RJ 4 0 52.444304 -1.324427
CV23 0RL 3 0 52.445083 -1.341349
CV23 0RP 5 0 52.467296 -1.323653
CV23 0RQ 7 0 52.444443 -1.314258
CV23 0RR 1 0 52.473472 -1.3314