all postcodes in CV23 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV23 0PN 7 0 52.428404 -1.339392
CV23 0PP 3 0 52.427733 -1.348245
CV23 0PQ 1 0 52.432819 -1.33153
CV23 0PR 11 6 52.42561 -1.351174
CV23 0PS 23 0 52.423428 -1.361647
CV23 0PT 4 0 52.426323 -1.371718
CV23 0PU 3 1 52.422489 -1.354171
CV23 0PX 1 0 52.425958 -1.344164
CV23 0PZ 1 0 52.429401 -1.337627
CV23 0QA 13 0 52.435229 -1.32055
CV23 0QB 34 2 52.434199 -1.310372
CV23 0QD 20 3 52.433383 -1.307752
CV23 0QE 45 0 52.432655 -1.304734
CV23 0QF 20 0 52.433139 -1.301387
CV23 0QG 30 0 52.433556 -1.305072
CV23 0QH 28 3 52.431713 -1.308117
CV23 0QJ 4 0 52.43904 -1.295851
CV23 0QL 5 0 52.443686 -1.277666
CV23 0QN 7 1 52.438001 -1.280189
CV23 0QP 8 0 52.434886 -1.258923