all postcodes in CV23 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV23 8EG 4 0 52.309828 -1.368484
CV23 8EH 32 4 52.311022 -1.370215
CV23 8EJ 3 0 52.30806 -1.379497
CV23 8EL 38 0 52.311554 -1.368371
CV23 8EN 33 0 52.311169 -1.367086
CV23 8EQ 2 0 52.300923 -1.381518
CV23 8ET 1 0 52.315228 -1.372969
CV23 8EU 4 0 52.311493 -1.368797
CV23 8EW 9 0 52.314576 -1.367023
CV23 8EX 4 0 52.282407 -1.343704
CV23 8EY 2 0 52.289122 -1.353252
CV23 8EZ 1 0 52.292092 -1.345687
CV23 8FA 11 0 52.330221 -1.202326
CV23 8FP 4 0 52.336507 -1.17898
CV23 8FX 4 0 52.310323 -1.366746
CV23 8FZ 6 0 52.277287 -1.346008
CV23 8HB 20 1 52.288899 -1.337378
CV23 8HD 19 0 52.28906 -1.338739
CV23 8HE 4 0 52.288324 -1.338926
CV23 8HF 17 4 52.287897 -1.333715