all postcodes in CV23 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV23 8HG 1 0 52.283429 -1.358219
CV23 8HH 23 0 52.289513 -1.333073
CV23 8HJ 1 0 52.300998 -1.364738
CV23 8HL 2 0 52.294861 -1.369154
CV23 8HP 3 0 52.295797 -1.356061
CV23 8HQ 1 1 52.282952 -1.35944
CV23 8HR 1 0 52.287151 -1.364467
CV23 8HW 1 0 52.279367 -1.346725
CV23 8HY 8 2 52.273261 -1.319276
CV23 8SY 1 1 52.325961 -1.250649
CV23 8SZ 1 1 52.32752 -1.242801
CV23 8TB 4 0 52.333285 -1.210181
CV23 8TD 3 1 52.335501 -1.205593
CV23 8TE 3 0 52.31405 -1.213502
CV23 8UR 3 0 52.318212 -1.196058
CV23 8TF 9 2 52.314418 -1.194718
CV23 8TG 6 1 52.318347 -1.20411
CV23 8TH 14 0 52.323425 -1.206513
CV23 8TJ 41 0 52.326097 -1.202811
CV23 8TL 27 0 52.329577 -1.202925