all postcodes in CV23 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV23 8YZ 9 0 52.332297 -1.178662
CV23 8EP 0 52.297245 -1.279817
CV23 8BF 2 0 52.333411 -1.177497
CV23 8BG 5 0 52.302035 -1.241857
CV23 8ES 0 52.315312 -1.35513
CV23 8TA 9 0 52.322315 -1.205902
CV23 8UJ 2 2 52.33927 -1.212615
CV23 8HN 0 52.293451 -1.346005
CV23 8YH 1 1 52.352288 -1.176838
CV23 8US 0 52.327506 -1.215846
CV23 8BQ 1 1 52.356984 -1.173373
CV23 8FG 1 0 52.312105 -1.246174
CV23 8YY 6 0 52.333862 -1.17492
CV23 8ZA 3 0 52.334096 -1.175121
CV23 8YL 1 1 52.353039 -1.182844
CV23 8ER 1 1 52.314383 -1.37671
CV23 8HS 1 0 52.293724 -1.319757