all postcodes in CV32 / LEAMINGTON SPA

find any address or company within the CV32 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV32 4SQ 0 52.293985 -1.532313
CV32 4SR 0 52.292879 -1.530731
CV32 4SS 0 52.293161 -1.530694
CV32 4ST 0 52.293788 -1.525644
CV32 4SU 6 52.293049 -1.525256
CV32 4SW 0 52.292456 -1.528287
CV32 4SX 1 52.292952 -1.525726
CV32 4SY 6 52.293316 -1.52989
CV32 4SZ 0 52.292864 -1.529294
CV32 4TA 0 52.29272 -1.526818
CV32 4TB 0 52.294571 -1.524393
CV32 4TD 1 52.294394 -1.527269
CV32 4TE 1 52.29388 -1.529107
CV32 4TF 0 52.294141 -1.52931
CV32 4TG 0 52.294056 -1.530425
CV32 4TJ 0 52.293717 -1.526572
CV32 4TL 0 52.293138 -1.528059
CV32 4TN 2 52.292395 -1.526498
CV32 4TP 0 52.293314 -1.527046
CV32 4TQ 0 52.29376 -1.530663