all postcodes in CV32 / LEAMINGTON SPA

find any address or company within the CV32 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV32 4PF 4 52.291796 -1.531251
CV32 4PG 4 52.293054 -1.531711
CV32 4PN 2 52.293214 -1.531167
CV32 4PP 0 52.292465 -1.530706
CV32 4PR 0 52.292469 -1.529415
CV32 4PT 0 52.291866 -1.528348
CV32 4PW 2 52.292567 -1.531306
CV32 4PX 1 52.291844 -1.530375
CV32 4PY 0 52.292096 -1.530519
CV32 4QE 8 52.29073 -1.534327
CV32 4QG 12 52.291896 -1.534509
CV32 4QN 40 52.291301 -1.533397
CV32 4QP 8 52.291936 -1.533248
CV32 4QR 0 52.291603 -1.533251
CV32 4QS 5 52.291404 -1.532769
CV32 4QU 0 52.291279 -1.532312
CV32 4QY 1 52.292023 -1.532426
CV32 4QZ 8 52.292319 -1.532276
CV32 4RA 7 52.29289 -1.532618
CV32 4RB 1 52.292401 -1.532554