all postcodes in CV33 / LEAMINGTON SPA

find any address or company within the CV33 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV33 9DP 7 0 52.324821 -1.446799
CV33 9DQ 5 1 52.317613 -1.42496
CV33 9DR 6 0 52.307083 -1.4545
CV33 9DS 17 0 52.309346 -1.454432
CV33 9DT 1 0 52.308765 -1.450842
CV33 9DU 6 0 52.311477 -1.450606
CV33 9DW 14 1 52.32095 -1.447595
CV33 9DY 7 1 52.312682 -1.452128
CV33 9DZ 5 0 52.312692 -1.450441
CV33 9EA 4 0 52.312619 -1.450222
CV33 9EB 3 0 52.312433 -1.460892
CV33 9ED 3 0 52.313103 -1.445962
CV33 9EE 2 0 52.312131 -1.450158
CV33 9EF 5 0 52.308856 -1.447071
CV33 9EG 4 0 52.304007 -1.440664
CV33 9EJ 7 0 52.302038 -1.442624
CV33 9EL 3 1 52.301234 -1.449897
CV33 9EN 1 0 52.300062 -1.43913
CV33 9EP 1 0 52.300166 -1.442754
CV33 9EQ 3 0 52.308461 -1.433934