all postcodes in CV33 / LEAMINGTON SPA

find any address or company within the CV33 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV33 9JL 9 0 52.235942 -1.448651
CV33 9JN 11 1 52.240431 -1.476874
CV33 9JP 8 0 52.246383 -1.499844
CV33 9JQ 16 0 52.237008 -1.449809
CV33 9JR 1 0 52.239997 -1.496987
CV33 9JT 10 0 52.237003 -1.448623
CV33 9JU 3 0 52.235966 -1.455826
CV33 9JW 4 2 52.24727 -1.491269
CV33 9JX 2 0 52.230057 -1.507176
CV33 9JY 6 2 52.234626 -1.509834
CV33 9JZ 2 0 52.226863 -1.510827
CV33 9LA 1 0 52.220586 -1.514157
CV33 9LB 10 0 52.229713 -1.497191
CV33 9LD 9 0 52.223298 -1.492051
CV33 9LG 9 0 52.222932 -1.486332
CV33 9LE 8 0 52.224726 -1.491655
CV33 9LH 5 0 52.215629 -1.459485
CV33 9LL 4 0 52.236156 -1.461974
CV33 9LN 37 0 52.237633 -1.464416
CV33 9LP 19 0 52.237851 -1.46292