all postcodes in CV33 / LEAMINGTON SPA

find any address or company within the CV33 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV33 9NW 1 0 52.230683 -1.454441
CV33 9NY 1 0 52.247338 -1.451688
CV33 9NZ 16 0 52.254417 -1.448568
CV33 9PA 20 0 52.255295 -1.446008
CV33 9PB 10 0 52.253443 -1.447863
CV33 9PD 2 0 52.254172 -1.448604
CV33 9PE 12 0 52.254251 -1.447706
CV33 9PF 12 2 52.255937 -1.444872
CV33 9PG 1 0 52.252769 -1.461553
CV33 9PH 5 3 52.264908 -1.438928
CV33 9PJ 11 1 52.256353 -1.445984
CV33 9PL 6 1 52.246333 -1.431268
CV33 9BL 1 1 52.25523 -1.430466
CV33 9PP 3 0 52.249734 -1.429745
CV33 9PQ 1 0 52.25957 -1.448797
CV33 9PR 8 0 52.255904 -1.447393
CV33 9PU 5 0 52.252347 -1.44814
CV33 9PX 4 0 52.248383 -1.545433
CV33 9QA 3 0 52.260357 -1.533473
CV33 9QB 6 2 52.255908 -1.52781