all postcodes in CV33 / LEAMINGTON SPA

find any address or company within the CV33 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV33 9QD 3 0 52.250512 -1.555112
CV33 9QE 8 1 52.254424 -1.536084
CV33 9QF 2 2 52.259919 -1.539649
CV33 9QG 6 0 52.245101 -1.554679
CV33 9QH 1 0 52.236616 -1.548116
CV33 9QJ 11 0 52.232401 -1.549495
CV33 9QL 7 1 52.227007 -1.527834
CV33 9QN 6 0 52.224939 -1.541442
CV33 9QP 2 1 52.233571 -1.533406
CV33 9QQ 3 0 52.248918 -1.559273
CV33 9QR 12 0 52.250939 -1.54611
CV33 9QS 12 0 52.250106 -1.545493
CV33 9QT 17 0 52.24794 -1.545515
CV33 9QU 23 1 52.249089 -1.54291
CV33 9QW 1 1 52.223926 -1.549343
CV33 9QX 32 0 52.248998 -1.544874
CV33 9QY 29 0 52.24868 -1.547715
CV33 9QZ 21 0 52.248552 -1.549694
CV33 9RA 16 0 52.248032 -1.549978
CV33 9RB 29 0 52.24945 -1.549275