all postcodes in CV37 / SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR

find any address or company within the CV37 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV37 8HQ 6 0 52.158359 -1.806416
CV37 8HR 37 4 52.168902 -1.714071
CV37 8HS 7 0 52.169352 -1.714214
CV37 8HT 12 0 52.167211 -1.711796
CV37 8HU 4 0 52.166255 -1.710823
CV37 8HW 21 13 52.171771 -1.710675
CV37 8HX 31 0 52.167764 -1.713942
CV37 8HY 4 0 52.166657 -1.713525
CV37 8HZ 10 0 52.168751 -1.716757
CV37 8JA 9 0 52.167917 -1.717552
CV37 8JB 12 0 52.16752 -1.717014
CV37 8JD 10 0 52.161693 -1.78975
CV37 8JE 2 0 52.167622 -1.716535
CV37 8JF 9 0 52.166611 -1.720295
CV37 8JG 2 0 52.173404 -1.724673
CV37 8JJ 5 2 52.172534 -1.735436
CV37 8JL 3 0 52.169453 -1.740791
CV37 8JN 4 0 52.168937 -1.747095
CV37 8JP 1 0 52.147598 -1.75369
CV37 8JQ 1 0 52.172449 -1.721691