all postcodes in CV37 / SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV37 8JR 3 1 52.161656 -1.761068
CV37 8JT 7 0 52.145625 -1.739292
CV37 8JU 11 0 52.145536 -1.73976
CV37 8JW 8 1 52.160851 -1.754187
CV37 8JX 8 0 52.161901 -1.766432
CV37 8JY 27 1 52.165092 -1.770816
CV37 8JZ 10 0 52.165816 -1.773093
CV37 8LA 7 0 52.158719 -1.74078
CV37 8LB 7 0 52.152687 -1.737249
CV37 8LD 3 0 52.14331 -1.735379
CV37 8LE 2 0 52.141007 -1.730673
CV37 8LF 1 0 52.135847 -1.736763
CV37 8LG 2 0 52.11557 -1.754279
CV37 8LH 1 0 52.107611 -1.759094
CV37 8LJ 5 1 52.124622 -1.753354
CV37 8LL 7 5 52.135527 -1.744673
CV37 8LN 8 2 52.145231 -1.740069
CV37 8LQ 6 0 52.110212 -1.756218
CV37 8LU 7 5 52.179477 -1.698599
CV37 8LW 4 1 52.163661 -1.723661