all postcodes in CV7 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV7 8NJ 4 1 52.443621 -1.539867
CV7 8NL 23 0 52.511686 -1.584157
CV7 8NN 21 0 52.462765 -1.529556
CV7 8NP 64 0 52.459048 -1.530876
CV7 8NR 1 1 52.471822 -1.546728
CV7 8NS 10 0 52.481137 -1.588833
CV7 8NT 6 0 52.513398 -1.58529
CV7 8NW 39 0 52.461981 -1.52723
CV7 8NX 20 0 52.503818 -1.570958
CV7 8NY 6 0 52.508904 -1.585539
CV7 8NZ 42 0 52.509125 -1.584432
CV7 8PA 5 0 52.483099 -1.587004
CV7 8PB 7 0 52.48002 -1.58617
CV7 8PD 37 0 52.506377 -1.582616
CV7 8PE 1 1 52.453428 -1.517162
CV7 8PF 21 1 52.510653 -1.584447
CV7 8PN 50 0 52.464917 -1.537246
CV7 8PQ 5 1 52.505303 -1.566465
CV7 8PR 42 0 52.50419 -1.574534
CV7 8PS 13 0 52.505154 -1.574967